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Cheap Flights to St Johns

St JohnsFlight Deals

Portland dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Bangor dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Rockland dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Augusta dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Burlington dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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MPV dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Manchester dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Boston dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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Lebanon dealright-arrow Saint Johns


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*All fares are quoted in CAD.
Last updated on Wednesday, 08 May 2024 at 04:38 PM, the fares mentioned below are for Round Trip flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.

Call +1-571-298-8019 for deals too good to be published.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to St Johns

Cheap flights to St. John's:

St. John's is a beautiful city set on the hillside overlooking a splendid natural harbor. The interesting history of the city can be easily explored at various attractions. For cheap flights to St. John's, visit our website,, and look for cheap flight deals from various airlines. Select the offer that suits you the most and is within your budget. Book cheap tickets with us and fly out to enjoy your trip.

Airlines that fly to St. John's from the US?

St. John's is served by several airlines from the US. You can get cheap flights to St. John's from WestJet Airlines, Air Canada, United Airlines, Porter Airlines, etc. For the best flight deals of these airlines for flying to St. John's, visit our website and have a great time.

How to get cheap flights to St. John's?

For cheap flights to St. John's, visit and look for cheap flight deals from various airlines. Choose the deal that suits your budget and fulfills your travel requirements, and quickly book tickets with us. You can book the tickets for the time most convenient to you as several flight options are offered by us.

What is the best way to book cheap flights to     St. John's?

For booking cheap flights to St. John's, the best way is to plan your travel much in advance and book round-trip tickets with us. This way, you can drastically cut your travel budget. If that is not possible, then look for low-fare offers by airlines during off-season or weekdays. Avoid the holiday season, festivals, and weekends to get cheap flight tickets. Visit our website to get low-cost flights to St. John's.

What can I explore at St. John's?

St John's has some interesting historical landmarks to explore, like Signal Hill National Historic Site, Cabot Tower, and the Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site. Visit the various museums like The Room, Johnson Geo Centre, and the Railway Coastal Museum to see unique exhibits. Explore the Quidi Vidi neighborhood for local and traditional craftwork. Go on a hike on the East Coast Trail to enjoy nature. Visit the beautiful cathedrals and various parks in and around the city. To explore St. John's, get cheap flight tickets at our website.

How much time does it take to fly to St. John's from the US?

The flight duration from the US to St. John's depends upon the city from where you take the flight. From San Francisco and Los Angeles, it takes about 9 hours 30 minutes; from New York, it takes about 5 hours 30 minutes; from Boston, it takes about 4 hours 40 minutes; from Washington, DC, it takes about 5 hours 50 minutes; whereas from Seattle, it takes about 10 hours. Book cheap flights to St. John's from any city at our website.

What is the ideal time to visit St. John's?

The best time to visit St. John's is either the spring months of April and May or the autumn months of September and October. The weather is mild, and the landscape is very colorful. Moreover, there are fewer tourists, and you can get good deals on travel and accommodation. To book low-fare flights in any season, visit our travel site.

What are the major airports in St. John's?

St. John's International Airport is the main airport in St. John's which handles international and domestic flights and flights coming from the US. The airport provides all basic facilities to the passengers. To fly to St. John's from the US, book cheap flight tickets at, and have a great journey.
